If you see me wearing these jeans on repeat this spring, know it’s because they go with just about everything in my wardrobe. I was never into animal print until now somehow—in fact, I actually don’t think I owned anything animal print before buying these jeans. With that being said though, leopard print was always my favorite, even back when I was buying Lisa Frank stickers to plaster all over my notebooks in elementary school, so let’s call this my grown-up version. Not a lot of prints can be so nostalgic but also grow up with you into a cool set of jeans or pointed slingbacks.
For my grown up version, I still had to add another little element of my past with this JUICY x Forever 21 Baby Tee * gifted *! It’s giving early 2000s nostalgia with rhinestone letters and looks super cute with these Amazon Fashion leopard jeans. I paired it with a chunky yellow sweater I got from Nasty Gal some ages ago (linking a similar one here), and these cutie Adidas sambas. A comfy weekend fit with a nod to the past, of course.
Much like this leopard print, this quote from the bard sums up the sentiment nicely:
“Tis in my memory locked, And you yourself shall keep the key of it.”
[Hamlet 1.3]
Cheers, xx A.Martine