At the end of last month I got the opportunity to visit Miami for the first time — we stayed in South Beach, pretty much one of the most gorgeous islands in the US I’ve ever been to! It had me thinking a lot about island life — jogging memories of one of our Shakespeare shows when I was in high school when we performed a vignette of The Tempest. It’s a really interesting play for a slew of reasons, but I think one of my favorite parts about it has to be the notion of the island itself and Miranda’s character/relationship with her environment. TLDR; she lives on an island with her father (who also happens to be magical and the ‘rightful’ duke of Milan) — he ends up shipwrecking his brother’s boat intentionally so that they, too, get stuck on this island and long story short, he decides to marry Miranda off to one of the shipwrecked dudes, Ferdinand. Miranda is the only female character in this play (besides Ariel, who is feminine, but considered a spirit), so it’s an interesting juxtaposition — it’s kind of her against the world (of men) around her. It has a happy ending though: she finally leaves/ breaks free from the island with them all. The use of an island in this story is such a great plot device, IMO. It has kept Miranda physically trapped all her life but eventually fuels her fire to not only fall in love with an outsider, but to also yearn for a taste of what’s beyond the world she grew up in.

While my trip was kind of the opposite (lol give me an island any day!) I wanted to channel Miranda’s strength with this Celeste Brown Set from Princess Polly. First off, I love the material — it’s a super comfortable stretchy fabric that sparkles slightly in the light. I also adore the fact that it’s kind of a power-suit looking outfit without the need for a blazer. I also love that this top and bottom can literally go with anything else in my wardrobe as well and can’t wait to mix and match it with other pieces. I paired it with this black flower choker from Amazon Fashion, my Fendi Baguette, and strappy brown sandals from Steve Madden to complete the look.

Leaving you with one of Miranda’s most famous quotes from the play, which captures feelings about my trip, too:

“O wonder! How many goodly creatures are there here! How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world That has such people in ’t!”

[The Tempest 5.1]

Cheers, xx - A. Martine

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