Despite being an english major in college and a Shakespeare fanatic, poetry wasn't always my favorite type of reading and sometimes still isn't (legit, give me a play over a sonnet any day). I often found lengthy poems to be a bit convoluted... overly flowery (even though that's technically the point), and annoyingly cyclical (like, a lot of them sound the same after a while[insert laughing/crying emoji]). To be honest, I blame my early poetry-cringing on some of my early english teachers back in the day, because it wasn't until I got to college that I actually embraced much of what was going on in these narratives: their symbolism, imagery, etc. I finally was paying more attention to the bigger picture, as opposed to getting caught up in the details. (Seriously though, high school english == what is the symbolism of the blue curtains in chapter 4?! SMH). And it wasn't 'til I read a lot of Poe that I actually took away actual lessons from what I was reading. Of course I liked Poe because #macabre, but mostly because of his striking symbols: The Raven, anyone?! As silly as it sounds, that one bird made me actually like poetry.

So for a little drama and #raven inspo, this week's look is all about unique lines and lots of contrast. I started with this vintage cable-knit tank that my great-grandmother made my mom back in the day (funny how these things get passed down), and paired it with white pinstriped cut-off jeans. For some extra zing, I added one of my favorite long black coats around my waist, and added some fun cork wedges and a vintage bag to tie the look together.

"My lord, 'tis but a base ignoble mind That mounts no higher than a bird can soar."

[Henry VI, Part 2 1.1]

Cheers, xx - A. Martine

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